            15 - 1986
Verrukkelijke 15 7-1-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Life's what you make it Talk Talk 5
2 2 Broken wings Mr Mister 4
3 - The whole of the moon Waterboys 1
4 4 Man overboard Do Re Mi 3
5 7 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 4
6 6 I won't feel bad Simply Red 5
7 5 West End girls Pet Shop Boys 6
8 3 Face the face Pete Townshend 6
9 - Revolution The Cult 1
10 10 Appetite Prefab Sprout 2
11 9 Blue Fine Young Cannibals 6
12 8 Russians Sting 6
13 11 Sun City Artists Utd. Against Apartheid 7
14 14 Valley of the living dead The Clip 2
15 - Talk talk talk Blue Murder 1
Verrukkelijke 15 14-1-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 3 The whole of the moon Waterboys 2
2 1 Life's what you make it Talk Talk 6
3 9 Revolution The Cult 2
4 15 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 2
5 5 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 5
6 - Six different ways The Cure 1
7 4 Man overboard Do Re Mi 4
8 2 Broken wings Mr Mister 5
9 10 Appetite Prefab Sprout 3
10 6 I won't feel bad Simply Red 6
11 7 West End girls Pet Shop Boys 7
12 11 Blue Fine Young Cannibals 7
13 - Just a little sleepaway Whispermode 1
14 - Eldorado Drum Theatre 1
15 8 Face the face Pete Townshend 7
Verrukkelijke 15 21-1-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 The whole of the moon Waterboys 3
2 4 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 3
3 3 Revolution The Cult 3
4 6 Six different ways The Cure 2
5 5 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 6
6 2 Life's what you make it Talk Talk 7
7 - Big wheel Mental as Anything 1
8 9 Appetite Prefab Sprout 4
9 - Living for your lover Chris Isaak 1
10 7 Man overboard Do Re Mi 5
11 13 Just a little sleepaway Whispermode 2
12 14 Eldorado Drum Theatre 2
13 8 Broken wings Mr Mister 6
14 - Good friends Joni Mitchell 1
15 11 West End girls Pet Shop Boys 8
Verrukkelijke 15 28-1-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 The whole of the moon Waterboys 4
2 2 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 4
3 4 Six different ways The Cure 3
4 3 Revolution The Cult 4
5 5 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 7
6 - And she was Talking Heads 1
7 7 Big wheel Mental as Anything 2
8 9 Living for your lover Chris Isaak 2
9 - Rise Pil 1
10 6 Life's what you make it Talk Talk 8
11 11 Just a little sleepaway Whispermode 3
12 12 Eldorado Drum Theatre 3
13 8 Appetite Prefab Sprout 5
14 14 Good friends Joni Mitchell 2
15 - What you need INXS 1
Verrukkelijke 15 5-2-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 5
2 3 Six different ways The Cure 4
3 9 Rise Pil 2
4 6 And she was Talking Heads 2
5 1 The whole of the moon Waterboys 5
6 5 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 8
7 7 Big wheel Mental as Anything 3
8 8 Living for your lover Chris Isaak 3
9 4 Revolution The Cult 5
10 15 What you need INXS 2
11 - Bottom line B.A.D. 1
12 - And we danced Hooters 1
13 - I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 1
14 - You is a guarantee for love Smithereens 1
15 12 Eldorado Drum Theatre 4
Verrukkelijke 15 12-2-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Six different ways The Cure 5
2 3 Rise Pil 3
3 1 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 6
4 4 And she was Talking Heads 3
5 8 Living for your lover Chris Isaak 4
6 10 What you need INXS 3
7 7 Big wheel Mental as Anything 4
8 13 I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 2
9 12 And we danced Hooters 2
10 11 Bottom line B.A.D. 2
11 5 The whole of the moon Waterboys 6
12 14 You is a guarantee for love Smithereens 2
13 - The promise you made Cock Robin 1
14 - Manic monday Bangles 1
15 6 Sanctify yourself Simple Minds 9
Verrukkelijke 15 19-2-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Rise Pil 4
2 1 Six different ways The Cure 6
3 3 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 7
4 4 And she was Talking Heads 4
5 13 The promise you made Cock Robin 2
6 6 What you need INXS 4
7 10 Bottom line B.A.D. 3
8 8 I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 3
9 - Tonight David Bowie & Tina Turner 1
10 5 Living for your lover Chris Isaak 5
11 7 Big wheel Mental as Anything 5
12 9 And we danced Hooters 3
13 14 Manic monday Bangles 2
14 - Down town trains Tom Waits 1
15 - Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 1
Verrukkelijke 15 26-2-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 5 The promise you made Cock Robin 3
2 2 Six different ways The Cure 7
3 1 Rise Pil 5
4 3 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 8
5 14 Down town trains Tom Waits 2
6 6 What you need INXS 5
7 8 I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 4
8 - Riptide Robert Palmer 1
9 9 Tonight David Bowie & Tina Turner 2
10 13 Manic monday Bangles 3
11 4 And she was Talking Heads 5
12 - Southside girl Don Dixon 1
13 7 Bottom line B.A.D. 4
14 15 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 2
15 10 Living for your lover Chris Isaak 6
Verrukkelijke 15 4-3-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 The promise you made Cock Robin 4
2 2 Six different ways The Cure 8
3 3 Rise Pil 6
4 12 Southside girl Don Dixon 2
5 5 Down town trains Tom Waits 3
6 14 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 3
7 7 I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 5
8 8 Riptide Robert Palmer 2
9 4 Talk talk talk Blue Murder 9
10 10 Manic monday Bangles 4
11 - Mek we yadd Burning Spear 1
12 6 What you need INXS 6
13 - Jericho Simply Red 1
14 - Maternite MAM 1
15 9 Tonight David Bowie & Tina Turner 3
Verrukkelijke 15 11-3-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 - Absolute beginners David Bowie 1
2 1 The promise you made Cock Robin 5
3 4 Southside girl Don Dixon 3
4 6 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 4
5 3 Rise Pil 7
6 - Living in another world Talk Talk 1
7 2 Six different ways The Cure 9
8 5 Down town trains Tom Waits 4
9 13 Jericho Simply Red 2
10 7 I've slipped her mind Robert Cray Band 6
11 11 Mek we yadd Burning Spear 2
12 - I still believe The Call 1
13 14 Maternite MAM 2
14 10 Manic monday Bangles 5
15 - Kiss Prince 1
Verrukkelijke 15 18-3-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Absolute beginners David Bowie 2
2 9 Jericho Simply Red 3
3 2 The promise you made Cock Robin 6
4 6 Living in another world Talk Talk 2
5 3 Southside girl Don Dixon 4
6 4 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 5
7 12 I still believe The Call 2
8 15 Kiss Prince 2
9 - I still want you Del Fuego's 1
10 5 Rise Pil 8
11 8 Down town trains Tom Waits 5
12 11 Mek we yadd Burning Spear 3
13 13 Maternite MAM 3
14 7 Six different ways The Cure 10
15 - Live it up Mental as Anything 1
Verrukkelijke 15 25-3-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 4 Living in another world Talk Talk 3
2 7 I still believe The Call 3
3 1 Absolute beginners David Bowie 3
4 2 Jericho Simply Red 4
5 8 Kiss Prince 3
6 3 The promise you made Cock Robin 7
7 5 Southside girl Don Dixon 5
8 - Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 1
9 9 I still want you Del Fuego's 2
10 - Left of centre Suzanne Vega 1
11 6 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 6
12 - Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 1
13 15 Live it up Mental as Anything 2
14 13 Maternite MAM 4
15 - I won't steal way Time Bandits 1
Verrukkelijke 15 1-4-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Living in another world Talk Talk 4
2 2 I still believe The Call 4
3 5 Kiss Prince 4
4 8 Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 2
5 3 Absolute beginners David Bowie 4
6 4 Jericho Simply Red 5
7 9 I still want you Del Fuego's 3
8 10 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 2
9 12 Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 2
10 6 The promise you made Cock Robin 8
11 13 Live it up Mental as Anything 3
12 15 I won't steal way Time Bandits 2
13 - Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 1
14 7 Southside girl Don Dixon 6
15 11 Suspicious minds Fine Young Cannibals 7
Verrukkelijke 15 8-4-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 - Living doll Cliff Richard & Young Ones 1
2 2 I still believe The Call 5
3 3 Kiss Prince 5
4 4 Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 3
5 1 Living in another world Talk Talk 5
6 7 I still want you Del Fuego's 4
7 - All the things she said Simple Minds 1
8 8 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 3
9 9 Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 3
10 6 Jericho Simply Red 6
11 5 Absolute beginners David Bowie 5
12 13 Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 2
13 11 Live it up Mental as Anything 4
14 12 I won't steal way Time Bandits 3
15 10 The promise you made Cock Robin 9
Verrukkelijke 15 15-4-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Living doll Cliff Richard & Young Ones 2
2 6 I still want you Del Fuego's 5
3 7 All the things she said Simple Minds 2
4 2 I still believe The Call 6
5 3 Kiss Prince 6
6 4 Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 4
7 5 Living in another world Talk Talk 6
8 8 Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 4
9 - Stripped Depeche Mode 1
10 12 Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 3
11 8 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 4
12 - Forget the cold sweat Arno 1
13 10 Jericho Simply Red 7
14 11 Absolute beginners David Bowie 6
15 - One step Kissing the Pink 1
Verrukkelijke 15 22-4-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Living doll Cliff Richard & Young Ones 3
2 3 All the things she said Simple Minds 3
3 2 I still want you Del Fuego's 6
4 9 Stripped Depeche Mode 2
5 5 Kiss Prince 7
6 4 I still believe The Call 7
7 12 Forget the cold sweat Arno 2
8 8 Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 5
9 7 Living in another world Talk Talk 7
10 10 Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 4
11 6 Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 5
12 11 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 5
13 15 One step Kissing the Pink 2
14 - Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 1
15 - Your love The Outfield 1
Verrukkelijke 15 29-4-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 14 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 2
2 - Look away Big Country 1
3 2 All the things she said Simple Minds 4
4 4 Stripped Depeche Mode 3
5 7 Forget the cold sweat Arno 3
6 3 I still want you Del Fuego's 7
7 5 Kiss Prince 8
8 10 Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 5
9 12 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 6
10 8 Here comes the man Boom Boom Room 6
11 6 I still believe The Call 8
12 13 One step Kissing the Pink 3
13 15 Your love The Outfield 2
14 - De beloning Frank Boeijen Groep 1
15 11 Digging your scene Blow Monkeys 6
Verrukkelijke 15 6-5-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 3
2 2 Look away Big Country 2
3 3 All the things she said Simple Minds 5
4 5 Forget the cold sweat Arno 4
5 - E=MC2 Bad 1
6 9 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 7
7 4 Stripped Depeche Mode 4
8 12 One step Kissing the Pink 4
9 - Driving away from home It's Immaterial 1
10 6 I still want you Del Fuego's 8
11 7 Kiss Prince 9
12 13 Your love The Outfield 3
13 14 De beloning Frank Boeijen Groep 2
14 - Rodrigo Bay Working Week 1
15 8 Ik dans dus ik besta Het Goede Doel 6
Verrukkelijke 15 13-5-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Look away Big Country 3
2 1 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 4
3 5 E=MC2 Bad 2
4 9 Driving away from home It's Immaterial 2
5 8 One step Kissing the Pink 5
6 4 Forget the cold sweat Arno 5
7 3 All the things she said Simple Minds 6
8 - No promises Icehouse 1
9 6 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 8
10 - The honey thief Hipsway 1
11 7 Stripped Depeche Mode 5
12 14 Rodrigo Bay Working Week 2
13 - Thought you were on my side Cock Robin 1
14 - Addicted to love Robert Palmer 1
15 12 Your love The Outfield 4
Verrukkelijke 15 20-5-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Look away Big Country 4
2 4 Driving away from home It's Immaterial 3
3 3 E=MC2 Bad 3
4 2 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 5
5 8 No promises Icehouse 2
6 10 The honey thief Hipsway 2
7 5 One step Kissing the Pink 6
8 - Boys don't cry The Cure 1
9 13 Thought you were on my side Cock Robin 2
10 7 All the things she said Simple Minds 7
11 12 Rodrigo Bay Working Week 3
12 14 Addicted to love Robert Palmer 2
13 9 Left of centre Suzanne Vega 9
14 6 Forget the cold sweat Arno 6
15 - Language is a virus Laurie Anderson 1
Verrukkelijke 15 27-5-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 8 Boys don't cry The Cure 2
2 1 Look away Big Country 5
3 5 No promises Icehouse 3
4 4 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 6
5 2 Driving away from home It's Immaterial 4
6 3 E=MC2 Bad 4
7 6 The honey thief Hipsway 3
8 - What have you done for me lately Janet Jackson 1
9 9 Thought you were on my side Cock Robin 3
10 - The great train robbery Black Uhuru 1
11 7 One step Kissing the Pink 7
12 12 Addicted to love Robert Palmer 3
13 - Right between the eyes Wax 1
14 11 Rodrigo Bay Working Week 4
15 15 Language is a virus Laurie Anderson 2
Verrukkelijke 15 3-6-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Boys don't cry The Cure 3
2 - Something to believe in Ramones 1
3 3 No promises Icehouse 4
4 - Big mouth strikes again Smiths 1
5 10 The great train robbery Black Uhuru 2
6 - Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 1
7 2 Look away Big Country 6
8 8 What have you done for me lately Janet Jackson 2
9 - Tanzen Herbert Grönemeyer 1
10 4 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 7
11 5 Driving away from home It's Immaterial 5
12 6 E=MC2 Bad 5
13 13 Right between the eyes Wax 2
14 - Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 1
15 7 The honey thief Hipsway 4
Verrukkelijke 15 10-6-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 4 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 2
2 2 Something to believe in Ramones 2
3 1 Boys don't cry The Cure 4
4 6 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 2
5 5 The great train robbery Black Uhuru 3
6 - Ti sento Matia Bazar 1
7 9 Tanzen Herbert Grönemeyer 2
8 14 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 2
9 3 No promises Icehouse 5
10 8 What have you done for me lately Janet Jackson 3
11 - Leave it to luck Topper Headon 1
12 7 Look away Big Country 7
13 11 Driving away from home It's Immaterial 6
14 - Give it up Talk Talk 1
15 10 Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel 8
Verrukkelijke 15 17-6-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 3
2 2 Something to believe in Ramones 3
3 4 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 3
4 - Underground David Bowie 1
5 6 Ti sento Matia Bazar 2
6 7 Tanzen Herbert Grönemeyer 3
7 5 The great train robbery Black Uhuru 4
8 8 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 3
9 3 Boys don't cry The Cure 5
10 10 What have you done for me lately Janet Jackson 4
11 11 Leave it to luck Topper Headon 2
12 14 Give it up Talk Talk 2
13 9 No promises Icehouse 6
14 - Holly rock Sheila E 1
15 - Mountains Prince & Revolution 1
Verrukkelijke 15 24-6-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 4
2 3 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 4
3 4 Underground David Bowie 2
4 5 Ti sento Matia Bazar 3
5 2 Something to believe in Ramones 4
6 12 Give it up Talk Talk 3
7 7 The great train robbery Black Uhuru 5
8 8 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 4
9 6 Tanzen Herbert Grönemeyer 4
10 - Promises Secret Sounds 1
11 11 Leave it to luck Topper Headon 3
12 15 Mountains Prince & Revolution 2
13 13 No promises Icehouse 7
14 14 Holly rock Sheila E 2
15 10 What have you done for me lately Janet Jackson 5
Verrukkelijke 15 1-7-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 5
2 2 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 5
3 8 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 5
4 4 Ti sento Matia Bazar 4
5 3 Underground David Bowie 3
6 6 Give it up Talk Talk 4
7 5 Something to believe in Ramones 5
8 - Sweet bird of truth The The 1
9 10 Promises Secret Sounds 2
10 7 The great train robbery Black Uhuru 6
11 14 Holly rock Sheila E 3
12 12 Mountains Prince & Revolution 3
13 - Everywhere I go The Call 1
14 9 Tanzen Herbert Grönemeyer 5
15 11 Leave it to luck Topper Headon 4
Verrukkelijke 15 8-7-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 3 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 6
2 1 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 6
3 4 Ti sento Matia Bazar 5
4 2 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 6
5 5 Underground David Bowie 4
6 13 Everywhere I go The Call 2
7 6 Give it up Talk Talk 5
8 8 Sweet bird of truth The The 2
9 9 Promises Secret Sounds 3
10 - Happy hour Housemartins 1
11 7 Something to believe in Ramones 6
12 - Schoolgirl Kim Wilde 1
13 11 Holly rock Sheila E 4
14 - America & me Red Guitars 1
15 12 Mountains Prince & Revolution 4
Verrukkelijke 15 15-7-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 7
2 3 Ti sento Matia Bazar 6
3 2 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 7
4 4 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 7
5 6 Everywhere I go The Call 3
6 10 Happy hour Housemartins 2
7 9 Promises Secret Sounds 4
8 5 Underground David Bowie 5
9 7 Give it up Talk Talk 6
10 - Higher love Stevie Winwood 1
11 8 Sweet bird of truth The The 3
12 12 Schoolgirl Kim Wilde 2
13 14 America & me Red Guitars 2
14 11 Something to believe in Ramones 7
15 13 Holly rock Sheila E 5
Verrukkelijke 15 22-7-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Ti sento Matia Bazar 7
2 1 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 8
3 6 Happy hour Housemartins 3
4 4 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 8
5 3 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 8
6 7 Promises Secret Sounds 5
7 5 Everywhere I go The Call 4
8 10 Higher love Stevie Winwood 2
9 - Bring on the night Sting 1
10 8 Underground David Bowie 6
11 11 Sweet bird of truth The The 4
12 12 Schoolgirl Kim Wilde 3
13 - Hold on Juniors 1
14 - Who's Johnny El Debarge 1
15 9 Give it up Talk Talk 7
Verrukkelijke 15 29-7-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Ti sento Matia Bazar 8
2 2 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 9
3 3 Happy hour Housemartins 4
4 6 Promises Secret Sounds 6
5 5 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 9
6 4 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 9
7 9 Bring on the night Sting 2
8 8 Higher love Stevie Winwood 3
9 - The lady in red Chris de Burgh 1
10 7 Everywhere I go The Call 5
11 11 Sweet bird of truth The The 5
12 10 Underground David Bowie 7
13 13 Hold on Juniors 2
14 14 Who's Johnny El Debarge 2
15 12 Schoolgirl Kim Wilde 3
Verrukkelijke 15 5-8-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Ti sento Matia Bazar 9
2 9 The lady in red Chris de Burgh 2
3 7 Bring on the night Sting 3
4 4 Promises Secret Sounds 7
5 - Sally Carmel 1
6 3 Happy hour Housemartins 5
7 8 Higher love Stevie Winwood 4
8 - The formula Thinkman 1
9 5 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 10
10 2 Alles geprobeerd Het Goede Doel 10
11 - Brilliant mind Furniture 1
12 6 Don't give up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush 10
13 13 Hold on Juniors 3
14 14 Who's Johnny El Debarge 3
15 - Forever blue Little River Band 1
Verrukkelijke 15 12-8-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 - Taking the veil David Sylvian 1
2 2 The lady in red Chris de Burgh 3
3 3 Bring on the night Sting 4
4 5 Sally Carmel 2
5 1 Ti sento Matia Bazar 10
6 - The way it is Bruce Hornsby 1
7 11 Brilliant mind Furniture 2
8 8 The formula Thinkman 2
9 - Dreamtime Daryl Hall 1
10 4 Promises Secret Sounds 8
11 10 Big mouth strikes again Smiths 11
12 6 Happy hour Housemartins 6
13 14 Who's Johnny El Debarge 4
14 7 Higher love Stevie Winwood 5
15 15 Forever blue Little River Band 2
Verrukkelijke 15 19-8-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Taking the veil David Sylvian 2
2 4 Sally Carmel 3
3 2 The lady in red Chris de Burgh 4
4 6 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 2
5 - Adorations Killing Joke 1
6 5 Ti sento Matia Bazar 11
7 3 Bring on the night Sting 5
8 9 Dreamtime Daryl Hall 2
9 - Come on home Everything But The Girl 1
10 - The flame Arcadia 1
11 7 Brilliant mind Furniture 3
12 - Big drum Martin Ansell 1
13 - I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 1
14 13 Who's Johnny El Debarge 5
15 15 Forever blue Little River Band 3
Verrukkelijke 15 26-8-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 4 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 3
2 5 Adorations Killing Joke 2
3 1 Taking the veil David Sylvian 3
4 4 Sally Carmel 4
5 - Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 1
6 12 Big drum Martin Ansell 2
7 13 I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 2
8 9 Come on home Everything But The Girl 2
9 10 The flame Arcadia 1
10 8 Dreamtime Daryl Hall 3
11 3 The lady in red Chris de Burgh 5
12 - No more I love you's Lover Speaks 1
13 6 Ti sento Matia Bazar 12
14 15 Forever blue Little River Band 4
15 - Girls and boys Prince 1
Verrukkelijke 15 2-9-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 4
2 2 Adorations Killing Joke 3
3 5 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 2
4 6 Big drum Martin Ansell 3
5 7 I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 3
6 4 Sally Carmel 5
7 3 Taking the veil David Sylvian 4
8 8 Come on home Everything But The Girl 3
9 - Zwijgen Het Goede Doel 1
10 12 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 2
11 9 The flame Arcadia 2
12 - Heart in a box Don Dixon 1
13 15 Girls and boys Prince 2
14 11 The lady in red Chris de Burgh 6
15 - Walk this way Run DMC 1
Verrukkelijke 15 9-9-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 5
2 - Panic Smiths 1
3 5 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 3
4 15 Walk this way Run DMC 2
5 5 I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 4
6 2 Adorations Killing Joke 4
7 - Heartland The The 1
8 9 Zwijgen Het Goede Doel 2
9 4 Big drum Martin Ansell 4
10 10 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 3
11 13 Girls and boys Prince 3
12 12 Heart in a box Don Dixon 2
13 - Magic smile Rosie Vela 1
14 7 Taking the veil David Sylvian 5
15 8 Come on home Everything But The Girl 4
Verrukkelijke 15 16-9-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Panic Smiths 2
2 4 Walk this way Run DMC 3
3 7 Heartland The The 2
4 3 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 4
5 1 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 6
6 - True colours Cyndi Lauper 1
7 5 I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 5
8 8 Zwijgen Het Goede Doel 3
9 10 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 4
10 - Forever live and die OMD 1
11 13 Magic smile Rosie Vela 2
12 6 Adorations Killing Joke 5
13 - Rage hard Frankie goes to Hollywood 1
14 15 Come on home Everything But The Girl 5
15 - Graceland The Bible 1
Verrukkelijke 15 23-9-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Panic Smiths 3
2 2 Walk this way Run DMC 4
3 3 Heartland The The 3
4 4 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 5
5 6 True colours Cyndi Lauper 2
6 13 Rage hard Frankie goes to Hollywood 2
7 10 Forever live and die OMD 2
8 9 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 5
9 - Human Human League 1
10 8 Zwijgen Het Goede Doel 4
11 11 Magic smile Rosie Vela 3
12 5 The way it is Bruce Hornsby 7
13 7 I didn't mean to turn you on Robert Palmer 6
14 15 Graceland The Bible 2
15 - When I think of you Janet Jackson 1
Verrukkelijke 15 30-9-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Panic Smiths 4
2 4 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 6
3 2 Walk this way Run DMC 5
4 6 Rage hard Frankie goes to Hollywood 3
5 5 True colours Cyndi Lauper 3
6 8 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 6
7 7 Forever live and die OMD 3
8 9 Human Human League 2
9 11 Magic smile Rosie Vela 4
10 8 Zwijgen Het Goede Doel 5
11 3 Heartland The The 4
12 - Grass XTC 1
13 14 Graceland The Bible 3
14 15 When I think of you Janet Jackson 2
15 - Fall on me R.E.M. 1
Verrukkelijke 15 7-10-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Panic Smiths 5
2 2 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 7
3 7 Forever live and die OMD 4
4 4 Rage hard Frankie goes to Hollywood 4
5 12 Grass XTC 2
6 3 Walk this way Run DMC 6
7 5 True colours Cyndi Lauper 4
8 - Who wants to live forever Queen 1
9 6 No more I love you's Lover Speaks 7
10 13 Graceland The Bible 4
11 8 Human Human League 3
12 15 Fall on me R.E.M. 2
13 14 When I think of you Janet Jackson 3
14 - Word up Cameo 1
15 - In cabins The Nits 1
Verrukkelijke 15 14-10-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Panic Smiths 6
2 2 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 8
3 12 Fall on me R.E.M. 3
4 3 Forever live and die OMD 5
5 5 Grass XTC 3
6 - You can call me Al Paul Simon 1
7 8 Who wants to live forever Queen 2
8 - Last dance I Spy 1
9 6 Walk this way Run DMC 7
10 15 In cabins The Nits 2
11 7 True colours Cyndi Lauper 5
12 13 When I think of you Janet Jackson 4
13 4 Rage hard Frankie goes to Hollywood 5
14 14 Word up Cameo 2
15 - Wild wild life Talking Heads 1
Verrukkelijke 15 21-10-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 9
2 3 Fall on me R.E.M. 4
3 6 You can call me Al Paul Simon 2
4 1 Panic Smiths 7
5 7 Who wants to live forever Queen 3
6 10 In cabins The Nits 3
7 8 Last dance I Spy 2
8 4 Forever live and die OMD 6
9 5 Grass XTC 4
10 - I want you Elvis Costello 1
11 14 Word up Cameo 3
12 11 True colours Cyndi Lauper 6
13 13 When I think of you Janet Jackson 5
14 9 Walk this way Run DMC 8
15 15 Wild wild life Talking Heads 2
Verrukkelijke 15 28-10-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 10
2 6 In cabins The Nits 4
3 10 I want you Elvis Costello 2
4 3 You can call me Al Paul Simon 3
5 2 Fall on me R.E.M. 5
6 - Cry for love Iggy Pop 1
7 5 Who wants to live forever Queen 4
8 - Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 1
9 - Don't get me wrong Pretenders 1
10 4 Panic Smiths 8
11 8 Forever live and die OMD 7
12 7 Last dance I Spy 3
13 11 Word up Cameo 4
14 12 True colours Cyndi Lauper 7
15 - I've been losing you A-Ha 1
Verrukkelijke 15 4-11-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 3 I want you Elvis Costello 3
2 1 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 11
3 4 You can call me Al Paul Simon 4
4 2 In cabins The Nits 5
5 - Silver moon David Sylvian 1
6 6 Cry for love Iggy Pop 2
7 8 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 2
8 9 Don't get me wrong Pretenders 2
9 15 I've been losing you A-Ha 2
10 - Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 1
11 - Always the sun Stranglers 1
12 5 Fall on me R.E.M. 6
13 - Welcome to the boomtown David & David 1
14 - The right to change Nadieh 1
15 - Notorious Duran Duran 1
Verrukkelijke 15 11-11-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 I want you Elvis Costello 4
2 10 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 2
3 5 Silver moon David Sylvian 2
4 9 Always the sun Stranglers 2
5 3 You can call me Al Paul Simon 5
6 6 Cry for love Iggy Pop 3
7 13 Welcome to the boomtown David & David 2
8 8 Don't get me wrong Pretenders 3
9 7 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 3
10 2 Seven into the sea In Tua Nua 12
11 - I can't dance It's A Secret 1
12 14 The right to change Nadieh 2
13 15 Notorious Duran Duran 2
14 4 In cabins The Nits 6
15 9 I've been losing you A-Ha 3
Verrukkelijke 15 18-11-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 I want you Elvis Costello 5
2 2 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 3
3 4 Always the sun Stranglers 3
4 7 Welcome to the boomtown David & David 3
5 - Think for a minute Housemartins 1
6 11 I can't dance It's A Secret 2
7 3 Silver moon David Sylvian 3
8 8 Don't get me wrong Pretenders 4
9 9 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 4
10 - Who do you want Icicle Works 1
11 5 You can call me Al Paul Simon 6
12 12 The right to change Nadieh 3
13 13 Notorious Duran Duran 3
14 - World shut your mouth Julian Cope 1
15 6 Cry for love Iggy Pop 4
Verrukkelijke 15 25-11-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 I want you Elvis Costello 6
2 3 Always the sun Stranglers 4
3 6 I can't dance It's A Secret 3
4 5 Think for a minute Housemartins 2
5 2 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 4
6 4 Welcome to the boomtown David & David 4
7 13 Notorious Duran Duran 4
8 9 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 5
9 10 Who do you want Icicle Works 2
10 - Through the barricades Spandau Ballet 1
11 - Private revolution World Party 1
12 14 World shut your mouth Julian Cope 2
13 - Infected The The 1
14 8 Don't get me wrong Pretenders 5
15 - Control Janet Jackson 1
Verrukkelijke 15 2-12-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 1 I want you Elvis Costello 7
2 3 I can't dance It's A Secret 4
3 4 Think for a minute Housemartins 3
4 2 Always the sun Stranglers 5
5 10 Through the barricades Spandau Ballet 2
6 5 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 5
7 7 Notorious Duran Duran 5
8 8 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 6
9 - Bizarre love triangle New Order 1
10 11 Private revolution World Party 2
11 13 Infected The The 2
12 15 Control Janet Jackson 2
13 9 Who do you want Icicle Works 3
14 6 Welcome to the boomtown David & David 5
15 - Break out Swing Out Sister 1
Verrukkelijke 15 9-12-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 I can't dance It's A Secret 5
2 3 Think for a minute Housemartins 4
3 - Ask Smiths 1
4 5 Through the barricades Spandau Ballet 3
5 4 Always the sun Stranglers 6
6 1 I want you Elvis Costello 8
7 7 Notorious Duran Duran 6
8 6 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 6
9 9 Bizarre love triangle New Order 2
10 8 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 7
11 - Temple of the Lord Saints 1
12 10 Private revolution World Party 3
13 11 Infected The The 3
14 15 Break out Swing Out Sister 2
15 12 Control Janet Jackson 3
Verrukkelijke 15 16-12-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 4 Through the barricades Spandau Ballet 4
2 - Blue bells Claw Boys Claw 1
3 3 Ask Smiths 2
4 1 I can't dance It's A Secret 6
5 2 Think for a minute Housemartins 5
6 9 Bizarre love triangle New Order 3
7 - Younger days Fatal Flowers 1
8 - Land of confusion Genesis 1
9 11 Temple of the Lord Saints 2
10 8 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 7
11 6 I want you Elvis Costello 9
12 10 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 8
13 14 Break out Swing Out Sister 3
14 5 Always the sun Stranglers 7
15 7 Notorious Duran Duran 7
Verrukkelijke 15 23-12-1986    
deze wk vor. wk titel artiest weken
1 2 Blue bells Claw Boys Claw 2
2 1 Through the barricades Spandau Ballet 5
3 3 Ask Smiths 3
4 7 Younger days Fatal Flowers 2
5 - Cést la vie Robbie Nevil 1
6 6 Bizarre love triangle New Order 4
7 8 Land of confusion Genesis 2
8 9 Temple of the Lord Saints 3
9 - French kissing Debbie Harry 1
10 4 I can't dance It's A Secret 7
11 - Don't dream it's over Crowded House 1
12 13 Break out Swing Out Sister 4
13 12 Suburbia Pet Shop Boys 9
14 - Open your heart Madonna 1
15 10 Walk like an Egyptian Bangles 8

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